Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Book Review : The Prayer of Jabez

And Jabez called on God of Israel saying, 
" Oh, that You would bless me indeed
  And enlarge my territory
  that Your hand would be with me
  And that You would keep me from evil 
  that I may not cause pain."
So God granted him what he requested.
- 1 Chronicles 4:10 

If asked why I chose this book, I'd say, "I don't know. It just happened. I just saw it, I was intrigued and I told myself I've got to read it." I've read about Jabez's name somewhere in the bible and thought of Why not hear, er, read this to know what's his story like?. And as the book's tag line said, Do you want to be extravagantly blessed by God?, I know I had to read it. Of course, we want blessings. In less than four hours, I finished the 92 pages --- in tears.

Note: Be sure to say a little prayer before reading the book, like what I normally do when reading an inspirational one. Let the Holy Spirit enlighten your mind and open your heart so you could fully understand what's in it. 

Oh, that You would bless me indeed! 

This one really hit me! Literally, I was laughing in this chapter. Laughed. Let out a sigh and said, Oh my God, he was right! This chapter helps us to understand that asking God to bless us in every way everyday is not a selfish thing to do. Sometimes, personally, my prayers would be like, Lord, you know me and know everything my heart desires; please do your will. I think there's nothing wrong with my prayer. Though I missed something. I didn't actually say, Lord bless me, bless me big time. Whatever it is, bring it on! 

"When we ask for God's blessings, we're not asking for more of what we could get for ourselves. We're crying out for the wonderful unlimited goodness that only God has the power to know about or give us."

"He left it entirely up to God to decide what the blessings would be and where,when and how Jabez would receive them."

It is when we let God's desires to work on us, miracles happen. As Matthew 7:7 said, "Ask and it will be given to you" and James 4:2, "You do not have because you do not ask". I still say there's nothing wrong with my usual prayer but I thought of asking not just for a blessing per se but of "blessings" God has in store for me, blessings I don't even have any idea what are those, blessings that are lined up for me, waiting to be released, only if I'd ask

Oh, that you would enlarge my territory;

Now, this means "living large for God."

"Where you ask God to enlarge your life so you can make a greater impact for Him." 

"He wanted more influence, more responsibility and more opportunity to make a mark for the God of Israel." 

I've heard some famous line that says, "Our purpose in life is to live a life of purpose". This chapter  reminds us this goal, this purpose -- to live your life for others, to spread the Word of God, tell people of His marvelous works, imitate Jesus and do what God wants you to do

This is asking for opportunities to help other people, not mainly on material aspects, favors and others but creating a big impact on them, touching their lives in His glory. I know kindness is contagious. I know people are born naturally good. Somehow it's our willingness to share what with we have makes God happy. The author call these opportunities as "appointments" but I personally call these as "encounters". When you ask for an encounter, God would make a scene for you to remember, He would give you an episode of that blessing. I'd like to think that God has enlighten your mind and heart to see people around you needs someone like you to become their blessing; you're just too busy, you didn't notice it. 

 "Whatever our gifts, education or vocation might be, our calling is to do God's work on earth." 

"When you start asking in earnest -- begging -- for more influence and responsibility with which to honor Him, God will bring opportunities and people on your path." 

Again, don't forget to be thankful every time you experience an "encounter", acknowledging the Lord for what He did. 

I've been keeping this line as my daily reminder for years now, "Be a blessing to someone else's cloud", trust me, after reading this chapter, this line came up at the back of my mind. Now, I value this even more.

Oh, that Your hand would be with me;

Now, this is the part where the hero stumbles. With all those encounters you are having, something blocks your way to greatness. We may end up hurt, scared,left alone, we lose heart. This is where we need God's "touch of greatness". 

This is also the chapter where I really cannot contain my tears. Specifically page 52. The author made an example of his 5-yr old son, David. While the family was in a local park, Little David was trying to play the Small Slide, Medium Slide and the Enormous Slide by himself. He tried the first two slides without the help of his father but on the third slide he experienced a halt : he couldn't go either up or down the ladder. He got stuck and with older children at his back pressuring and yelling at him, he finally turned to his Dad and said, " Dad, will you come down the slide with me?". His father, testing him answered, "Why son?". "I can't do it without you Daddy!", he said trembling, "It's too big for me!". And so his dad carried him, sliding together,laughing all the way. 

I had to admit that I am a Little David too. When we asked God to help us because we couldn't do it alone; when we humble ourselves and admit that we need God, He will pour His heart out on us, making us so much grateful that we sing for joy and admiration. His greatness is unbelievable. Beyond definition. Truly amazing! 

" The hand of the Lord is a biblical term for God's power and presence in the lives of His people." 

"God is watching and waiting for you to ask for the supernatural power He offers." 

So ask everyday for the Father's touch! 

That You would keep me from evil 

One word -- temptation. This word would consume us. Though we prayed for God's touch of greatness to help us overcome our weaknesses, we must also pray to deliver us from evil. 

In this chapter, the author shared his funny experience with two men on a plane. He was seated sandwiched by two men each with porn magazine in hand. He uttered a prayer to chase the evil away and  at that moment, the two men closed their magazines and the author was laughing -- laughing because the Devil was lost again for a prayer that strong. 

It is true that we mainly pray for giving us strength to endure temptation to commit sin. But why not ask God by simply keeping us away from it? And so the Lord's prayer on Matthew 6:13, "And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil" makes sense to me now. 

Reading the book has made an impact on what I believed in. Why not try the Jabez prayer then? As long as you pray with all your heart, God hears. God knows. God listens. God grants. 

The author pointed out some points on how to embrace the Jabez prayer. I am happy and blessed that I got an opportunity to read this. Somehow this is one of the encounters God has made for me. He is telling me to read this book to somehow feed me with His Word for He knows I hunger and thirst for His.With this prayer, you're not the only one who will be showered with blessings and experiencing God's greatness but people around you too. It also creates a different kind of happiness by being a blessing to other people too. 

And so, to rate this book? Nah, I'm giving it 10stars! :)

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