Travel Destinations

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Inked : Ocean Made Me Do It

I was able to cross-out a bucketlist today: getting a tattoo.  


        Part of my life goals listed in Things To Do Before I  Die, getting a tattoo is one of them. I never thought that I'm gonna make it this soon. I gave birth to my firstborn five weeks ago and I thought my tolerance for pain was quite high. So, in accordance to my previous post My Seven Travel Tattoo Goals, I'm getting two of them done. 

        Getting a tattoo is not a simple decision, I will be inked for life (but I can get it removed by laser if I want to, thank you technology!) and the tattoo design must be of something else (valuable to you not just for the sake of getting one).  My three brothers have tattoos; Lenbert with a tattoo on his wrist, Junex at his chest, and our youngest Jorge with the whole left arm (sleeve tattoo) adorned with colorful designs. They were men and damn, I never think I could ever make it without screaming with pain. But I just did --- without the screaming.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Things To Do Before I Die

We all have a list of the things we want to do before we die. Some goals are doable, some are impossible but it's one way of motivating ourselves to do better and, well, it keeps us going. Other people make a list to challenge themselves.  

I was about to do cliff-diving but I wasn't allowed to because someone said "It's not for me,too dangerous". Imagine the frustration I felt.  

On my part, creating this list defines my  clear goals of what I really want (career or personal) in life and achieving each of them  gives me a different level of happiness.  So here it is : 

Friday, May 20, 2016

My Seven Travel Tattoo Goals

Getting a tattoo is a tough decision. It's for life.  Each tattoo design represents who you are, your aspirations in life and it represents your past that has a big impact of who you have become.

I never thought of getting a tattoo in my younger years. Maybe because I wasn’t impressed by the idea of having one or stain my skin with inks in a form of art. I have nothing against people with tattoos all over their bodies. My brothers have their own tattoos and I love it, each design is a work of  art.

By the time I got pregnant, it suddenly occurred to me that I must get a tattoo : to honor my son, Ocean.  I wanted to see a representation of him every day, carry a representation of him everywhere I go and maybe perhaps, remember him each time I see my wrist with his name by the time I have dementia in my future years. Since I am into  traveling, if there's one design I'd like to have, these are my top picks (all photos were taken from Google images.) 

Top Pick 1: Ocean, my life

Monday, May 16, 2016

Where To Eat : Kandingan sa SRP

My brother and I had a quick lunch at Kandingan sa SRP in Talisay. I've heard about this place thru blogs and some people who happens to wander in  South Road Properties area. Since my brother and I were hungry at that time and happen to pass by, I decided to try this famous eatery.

The Location

Located along the highway, no wonder this eatery causes traffic at times.   

Situated  at Cansojong, South Cebu Coastal Road, the place can be easily accessed. At 11:30 am the eatery was already jam-packed with people. I was quiet amazed their parking lot was almost full. So what I heard is true, this place is something else. A parking attendant helped us in securing a space to park my brother's car. As soon as I entered the place, a christian song filled the air. Waiters' uniform has bible verses printed on their back, some were young teenagers. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

7 Lessons I've Learned from Watching Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones House Banners. All photos (c) Google Images 

I know I am not alone but I am hooked with Game of Thrones, a TV series aired by HBO. The series is based on George R.R. Martin's book, A Song of Fire and Ice.  Watching your favorite character killed unexpectedly on the show, I can't help but sighed how cruel Mr. Martin is for his characters (remember Prince Oberyn Martell?) I never read the book, I am glad I never did. After watching the last five seasons (6th season is aired starting April 2016), let me list some lessons I've learned from this series. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Chasing Tumalog Waterfalls in South Cebu

Beautiful Tumalog Falls (c) skybertus (wander_with_sky) on my Instagram account

South Cebu has a lot of waterfalls to be explored. I happen to experience some of them.  I've always been fascinated  with waterfalls. An awesome phenomenon where nature has molded for a hundreds of years, perhaps a thousand.  When God created the world,  He must have spent a lot of time perfecting waterfalls. I just wish people will take care of it so that the next generation  can live with it. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Into The Mountains of Cebu

I love beaches, there's no denying. I love mountains as well. Mysteriously beautiful. Calm. May be dangerous. Soothing and interesting.  A place where you can appreciate nature at its best.

When it comes to nature-tripping and escaping the fast-paced city life, Cebu has a lot to offer. But let me site a few places you can try in Busay Cebu, enjoying the sunset, fresh air and the solitude it brings. 

Sunsets are stunningly beautiful in Tops, Busay. But getting there from downtown Cebu is such an experience -- and quite expensive if you don't have a car.  The uphill climb was scary and exciting at the same time. But wait til you see the view at the top. 

Breathtaking view : cotton clouds, Mactan Island and the urban jungle 
The place has a wide lawn with cell-like landscaped design which adds a cool vibe.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Embrace The Life You Were Meant To Live

Location : Tops, Busay Cebu Philippines (c) skybertus/sky lacea 

Nothing in life is permanent. Change is inevitable and all she has to do is to accept it. In all her futile attempts to resist change, nothing can ever change the fact that impermanence can ruin her plans. She started to get frustrated. She resorted to do things she hadn’t thought of doing herself. She started to cultivate bitterness in her heart. Everything that surrounds her loses sparkle and everything loses its meaning. But she took her time. Time has a funny way of letting in order. Maybe because time is teaching her to be patient.

But she’s ready. 

She is embracing the new life that was made for her. With the whirlwind of change that is consuming her, she lists down the things she learned from the experience.
She learns to acknowledge change.

Change is something she thought could never affect some aspects in her life. She only thought change happens for good reasons that she knew of. But there are also changes that allows her to suffer first before acquiring better results. These changes caught her off guard but she’s learning to embrace it.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Dumaguete City : City of the Gentle People

The City of the Gentle People 

        When you're visiting Siquijor Island via land-trip,  Dumaguete City is one of your stop-overs before getting to your destination.  Known as the city of gentle people, I have proven this tagline when I visited this beautiful, clean, and simple-living city.  

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Four Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit The Taoist Temple of Cebu

The Taoist Temple is one of the local popular tourist attractions in Cebu City. Aside from nature-tripping in South Cebu, marine sanctuary in Olango Island, La Vie Parisiene, and big malls,  Cebu is also rich in ancient shrines and historical heritage worth visiting. Situated at the Beverly Hills subdivision in Cebu City, I've read that this site was built in 1972 by the Chinese community in Cebu.  Getting there is easy. Getting to the top of the  temple is a bit exhausting since it is elevated about 300 meters above sea level and the stairs are pretty steep. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Free your mind and soul at Rancho Cancio

Enjoy life at Rancho Cancio 

        When it comes to ultimate relaxation, soul-searching, or just escaping city life in a bit, the island of Cebu has a lot to offer. Aside from the wonderful beaches and resorts, malls, and luxury hotels, Cebu can also offer nature-tripping with its lush greens, cool waterfalls, and mountains that is pleasing to the soul. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Be prepared to be blessed

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I woke up with a heavy heart and sleep-deprived from the constant peeing between midnight and 4AM. I asked the Lord to give me strength today and clear my thoughts from negativity, as always.
Being pregnant is beautiful but mine is different. Life has directed me to this side of the journey. Something that is destined for me. Something difficult, something out of the ordinary.
Even though my pregnancy is different from other moms, I still trust the process for I know this journey is for me. It may not the way I expected it to be but I know in the end I will understand why these are all happening. Today, I learned a few things about my unique journey after seeing a lot of newborn photos on my Instagram feed. The emotions brought about by pregnancy, personal struggles and being alone in the process thought me that nothing in this world is permanent. It changed me. It is consuming me. It made me different. It made me stronger than I could  have imagined.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Siquijor Travel : Mystical Island of Fire

Welcome to the mystical island of Siquijor  

            It took over a  month to finally decide which destination I would spend my birthday.  My heart is yearning for Batanes but considering the limited days off, budget, and totally unprepared for it, my options were narrowed down to  Agusan del Sur, Bohol, and Davao. But after seeing a few Instagram photos, my curiosity and my hidden urge to explore this so-called "island of fire and magic" was triggered; I knew I had to go to Siquijor. 

An island rich in culture and mystery

                Siquijor is known as Isla del Fuego (Island of Fire)  by the Spaniards who discovered the island hundreds of years ago. This is due to the swarms of fireflies that harbored in the molave trees on the island which gives off an eerie glow from afar, much like a burning island of fire. 

The island is known for magic and mystery;  of witches, supernatural phenomena, and known as the source of medicines and herbs prepared by albularyos and herbalists. They even held Healing Festivals where healers and herbalists from Visayas and Mindanao come together to perform healing and participate in the preparation of concoctions made from a variety of tree barks, herbs, roots, insects, and other ingredients.  It has four municipalities and I was happy that I was able to roam in those areas. 

Siquijor TravelSeries : Cang-Isok Century-old House

Siquijor Island is full of mysteries. Seeing this century-old house abandoned by the beach made me wonder why this hasn't been destroyed amidst the forces of nature. Known as the Cang-Isok House, our guide told us that this hasn't been destroyed even at its century-old age.  Even the recent typhoon that hit the island a year ago, the house stood as strong as ever. 

This is situated along the highway of Enrique Villanueva while we are on the way to Larena. 

Siquijor travelSeries : Siquijor Forests

Siquijor is known as the fire-glowing island  years ago due to the swarms of beautiful-lit fireflies that hovers the island at night. The island's inner land area is full of green forests (even a man-made one) is refreshingly beautiful to see. Here's some. 

This was taken en route Kagusuan Beach. We couldn't help but ask our guide to stop for a while and took some photos for documenting memories. It was refreshing to see a lot of greens and the the cool shades it brings. It has a variety of trees such as mahogany, molave and well, i don't know the others. 

Siquijor TravelSeries : St. Rita of Cascia

The Church of Our Lady of Providence in Maria Siquijor is just simple yet holds interesting stories about its patron saint, St. Rita of Cascia.   Exterior design has nothing  special to offer.  It's bare stone walls displays the usual look of being "old".  

Yet when you start getting inside, you'll be amazed at how well-lit it is with the natural light. The ceiling has no colorful designs like what you'd seen on the ceilings of St. Francis Church.  The woodwork on the altar is superb. It makes you proud how the locals exhibit such mastery in wood carving and how the altar looks grand as possible.