Travel Destinations

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Chasing Tumalog Waterfalls in South Cebu

Beautiful Tumalog Falls (c) skybertus (wander_with_sky) on my Instagram account

South Cebu has a lot of waterfalls to be explored. I happen to experience some of them.  I've always been fascinated  with waterfalls. An awesome phenomenon where nature has molded for a hundreds of years, perhaps a thousand.  When God created the world,  He must have spent a lot of time perfecting waterfalls. I just wish people will take care of it so that the next generation  can live with it. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Into The Mountains of Cebu

I love beaches, there's no denying. I love mountains as well. Mysteriously beautiful. Calm. May be dangerous. Soothing and interesting.  A place where you can appreciate nature at its best.

When it comes to nature-tripping and escaping the fast-paced city life, Cebu has a lot to offer. But let me site a few places you can try in Busay Cebu, enjoying the sunset, fresh air and the solitude it brings. 

Sunsets are stunningly beautiful in Tops, Busay. But getting there from downtown Cebu is such an experience -- and quite expensive if you don't have a car.  The uphill climb was scary and exciting at the same time. But wait til you see the view at the top. 

Breathtaking view : cotton clouds, Mactan Island and the urban jungle 
The place has a wide lawn with cell-like landscaped design which adds a cool vibe.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Embrace The Life You Were Meant To Live

Location : Tops, Busay Cebu Philippines (c) skybertus/sky lacea 

Nothing in life is permanent. Change is inevitable and all she has to do is to accept it. In all her futile attempts to resist change, nothing can ever change the fact that impermanence can ruin her plans. She started to get frustrated. She resorted to do things she hadn’t thought of doing herself. She started to cultivate bitterness in her heart. Everything that surrounds her loses sparkle and everything loses its meaning. But she took her time. Time has a funny way of letting in order. Maybe because time is teaching her to be patient.

But she’s ready. 

She is embracing the new life that was made for her. With the whirlwind of change that is consuming her, she lists down the things she learned from the experience.
She learns to acknowledge change.

Change is something she thought could never affect some aspects in her life. She only thought change happens for good reasons that she knew of. But there are also changes that allows her to suffer first before acquiring better results. These changes caught her off guard but she’s learning to embrace it.