I have to admit I am a bit addicted to it. With my work where sometimes coffee is needed and especially during those times when boredom, stress or sleepiness visits me, I appreciate a cup of coffee.
Aside from being an anti-oxidant, coffee just brings in the calmness I need and somehow it became my usual companion when I need one.

No, I am not here for any brand-campaign. As a coffee-addict, trying out various coffee beverages happens to be part of the urge of “wanting more and more” of it. Aside from the health benefits I get from coffee-drinking, the following are my realizations why coffee has been my constant drug.
1. Coffee keeps me awake
Obviously, this is the main reason it exist. To keep me up all night, studying for school examinations, ward off sleepiness when I’m on night shift at work or anything that should keep me alert, coffee has been my usual companion.
2. Coffee stirs my creativity and imagination
I can write better with coffee. It must have been the effects of caffeine but coffee has been my constant source of inspiration when I write, as perhaps, this blog. Coffee cultivates creativeness and somehow fuels my imagination. I tried writing without it once, it was awful.
3. Coffee reduces stress
Let’s face it, coping up with stress happens everyday. In my case, work gives me a lot of stress and this is one of the reasons why I’d consume about four mugful of coffee a day (well, except from the fact that it’s quite addicting). The sound of brewing coffee, the bitter aroma of it, hey, it works.
4. Coffee lets me enjoy the company of friends
Drinking coffee in cafes is one of the good excuses to get together with friends. Intelligent conversations or merely chitchat about mundane things, being with friends is never a dull moment. Coffee just makes the meeting more fun and enjoyable.
5. Coffee cures hangover and migraine
I admit I was a weekend drinker when I was younger and waking up with a hangover the next day was my usual scene. Black coffee happens to be one of my immediate solutions. Migraine is such a nuisance for me especially at work but relief may be taken with a cup of black coffee.
6. Coffee helps me enjoy solitude
Solitude, we need it. To be with ourselves again. To get in touch with our inner child. To assess what shall be our next move when Life tries to play games on us. To enjoy our stillness. To energize us. To appreciate nature. To hear The Voice within. Coffee allows me to breathe. Coffee allows me to ME again.
7. Coffee makes me happy
I couldn't deny the fact that coffee makes me happy. As I mentioned earlier, the sound of brewing coffee seems like music to my ears. Its aroma wakes up the sleeping part of me. It calms me. It soothes me. It helps me enjoy little things in life. It helps me appreciate time, stillness and that time-stopping moment when you are having your first sip. Coffee makes me understand Life even more.
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