Travel Destinations

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beautiful Bohol Paradise

I am one damn proud to be a Boholano. Some people often judged Boholano people as "bisayang promdi" seemed to be living in secluded place, far from the modern world. Nowadays, Bohol has been getting a lot of attention with its usual beautiful beaches and improved tourists spots. Travel agencies have been including Bohol for their package tours which make the province seemed full during weekends. 

No one can best describe this paradise than someone living in one. I was  actually smiling writing this article. If ever I'd be born again and asked where I'd prefer to stay; I'd still say, Beautiful Bohol. Guides would sometimes prefer the tour would start from the center of the island; depending on where you're going to "land" in Bohol. Various sea ports can be found at Jagna, Talibon (from Pier 3 of Cebu) and Tagbilaran City (Pier 1 of Cebu) and an airport at Tagbilaran City and an "incoming new airport" at Panglao Island. These ports can be reached by fastscrafts (approx. 1.5hrs from Cebu)
like Supercat, Oceanjet and regular ships and ferries.

Vacation plans? Highly-recommended : Bohol, Philippines

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

I believe everybody would agree with me : that sometimes, there is a bad day or a good day. That some time at a given moment, you're either too happy or too sad or both. That so annoying feeling when your papers got jammed on your printer and you're in a hurry; when you're stuck in a traffic and end up a minute late at work; when you forgot to set your alarm clock and ended up waking at noon --- yes, those things.....

Like me -- yes, I have been cranky lately. Must have been the weather. Or this annoying traffic I usually get stuck into while on my way to work. Stress perhaps. Bored. Maybe. I'm not angry particularly at someone, or maybe annoyed by anyone. Maybe hormonal. I don't know.

 As I watched the closing ceremony of 2012 London Olympics, one performance caught my attention : Eric Idle singing his song Always Look on the Bright Side of Life which was featured in 1979 film Monty Python's Life of Brian. It occurred to me, that, somehow, I need to loosen up a bit!