Travel Destinations

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Davao City : Life is Here!

When I visited Davao City, super long time ago (probably about 15 years ago),I haven't fully seen the best of the place since my Aunt and I have been there for like 2 days and about half the time, we were traveling. I remember it was so quiet, with wide roads and only saw few people around. But finally after a few years, I was able to visit the lovely place with someone who practically lives there since birth, who knows Davao best, the one I love - Mark. He would always brag on how beautiful the place is, how disciplined dabawenyos are, low crime rates, growing skyscrapers, bigger malls, culture-rich people and of course, he wants me to meet his family.
For a local tourist like me, it's best to share how wonderful this place is. And as Mark says, LIFE IS HERE! ^^ and I believe him.

Mark brought me to this place called Penong's where his family and I had lunch.  This is his favorite resto and damn! I love the KINILAW! The best  kinilaw (kilawin)  I've ever tried. Different from the usual kinilaw since it has green mango in it (haven't seen kinilaw with green mango before).

 Mark's family and I went to this Philippine Eagle Center where I personally saw the THE BIG BIRD for the first time,situated in Malagos,Calinan Davao City. Though we reached there by car, Mark says anyone could ride a local tricycle from the main highway. Entrance fee is P50 and you could roam around big cages to see the Philippine Eagle, a mini-zoo and a few kite eagles at an arm-reach, a mini museum and enjoy fresher air. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sky and Starbucks et al : Bigger than Coffee

I have to admit I am a bit addicted to it. With my work where sometimes coffee is needed especially during those times when boredom, stress or sleepiness visits me, a cup of coffee just come in handy, may it be an instant 3-in-1 coffee, brewed,expensive or not. ^^ 

Aside from being an anti-oxidant, coffee just brings in the calmness I need and somehow it became my usual companion when I need one

I like it better with cream in it. Though when I was in college, having a mug of black one made me awake the whole night when a week of exam is on, now it seemed my cravings would usually involves something creamy. 

Surprisingly, my love for coffee has evolved -- various brands, flavors, cafe ambiance etc. Honestly when I was young and living in a remote place away from the chaotic but exciting city,  I've only known coffee as pure black, with coffeemate, milk, chocolate and simply coffee with sugar. Damn, I didn't know things like frap,espresso or latte or whatever you call it. Now, it seemed I have this urge to try 'em all! ^^ I started with Starbucks coffee. The brand, of course I know would costs more than my taxi fare, but still my adventurous urge wants to. ^^ I've tried their coffee from espresso, latte, tea, hot chocolates -- and guess what? -- I love it!!! Since then, I am beginning to look for other kinds or brands of coffee.

Starbuck's cold Green Tea Latte